Denise May Levenick
Family curator Denise May Levenick will offer practical tips on how to safely preserve family photos, documents and memorabilia at the monthly meeting of the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society, 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 21.
Levenick inherited her first family archive from her grandmother — a trunk filled with photos, letters, documents, and miscellaneous stuff — and is now the caretaker of several family collections.
She has adapted professional archival techniques to the family archive situation and shares practical ideas for safely storing and digitizing family collections.
Levenick’s presentation offers best practices for digitizing family keepsakes using scanners and digital cameras, and basic archival techniques for safely preserving original items economically and easily.
Levenick is the creator of the award-winning family history blog , and author of How to Archive Family Keepsakes: Learn How to Preserve Family Photos, Memorabilia and Genealogy Records (Family Tree Books, 2012), and How to Archive Family Photos (Family Tree Books, 2015).
She is a frequent contributor to family history magazines and online publications, and presenter for webinars and workshops. Levenick is the course coordinator for Family Archiving: Heirlooms in the Digital Age at the Genealogical Institute of Pittsburgh.
Special Interest Groups meet at 9:30 a.m. for New Member & Beginning Genealogy, Civil War Genealogy, Writers’ Support Group, German Ancestry, Italian Genealogy, Jewish Genealogy, French Canadian Genealogy, Scandinavian Genealogy, Computer Genealogy, and DNA. The monthly meeting starts at 10:30 a.m.
It is not necessary to be a member of the Genealogical Society to attend Levenick’s presentation.
For a calendar of the society’s genealogical events, visit .
— Glenn Avolio for Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society.