Genealogy Information and Research News
DNA tests show Irish American background much bigger than thought IrishCentral
My ancestry adventure: When DNA testing delivers unexpected and unsettling results ZDNet
DNA genealogy databases could help in search for girl missing since 1999 KLAS – 8 News Now
‘I’m going to keep fighting for what’s right’: Investigator on a mission to solve cold cases Daily Advertiser
Diane Dimond: If You Share Your DNA, Should You Expect Privacy? Noozhawk
Paul Holes Tries To Track Down Eva ‘Kay’ Wenal’s Killer | Crime News Oxygen
Oct 27 | Unlock Family Secrets at Beaumont Library! | Banning-Beaumont
Hikers Find Mystery Skeleton on Remote Mountain in California The New York Times
If you share your DNA, should you expect privacy? Albuquerque Journal