Hanaba Welch Published 12:00 a.m. CT July 27, 2019
Friends you choose. Family you’re stuck with, unless you get creative with your family tree.
Genealogy should be an exact science. Instead it’s an art, particularly when it comes to creating pedigrees. Shades of my late Uncle Joe, who connected us to the Plantagenets.
Who could blame our ancestors for shortening the name to Plant? Yes, his mother (my paternal grandmother) was a Plant. No jokes, please.
I remember one time I was headed to summer camp when Uncle Joe met me at the Fort Worth train station to help me make the change from the Fort Worth & Denver to the Missouri Pacific. Or was it the Texas & Pacific? Maybe it was good he was there.
While we waited for the train to Arkansas, he bought me a magazine about our supposed relatives, British royalty. Me, I was more interested in getting to camp and renewing friendships than establishing a vague relationship with the Queen. I actually thought Prince Charles was cute, but the Camp Wyldewood boys were for real. Besides, what if Charles and I were cousins? I kept the magazine anyway.
Now that I’m dabbling in genealogy instead of cleaning the House of Welch, I really should try to establish my lineage, Plants included. To build an impressive tree, I can cherry pick, not bothering to check choices against official records, rejecting horse thieves, leaving off the small-time rustler and maybe the aunt who shot her husband (he had it coming) and including heads of state and such.
My husband, the real genealogist in our household, mistrusts all perfect trees. He’s seen some. Focusing on accuracy, he’s built his tree carefully, documenting every connection he can. Uncertain roots and branches are labeled with qualifying notes.
Me, I’m taking the Facebook approach. Here’s how it works:
You submit DNA to Ancestry. They reward you with a passel of kinfolks. Starting with the most unusual names, look for matching Facebookers. Then check their portraits for family traits.
For example, there’s my DNA cousin Mott Tonlin. (That’s not his real name. He might not want you to know he’s my cousin.)
Initially I found two possible matches: a dapper university professor and a burly guy with a bad tattoo on the wrong side of one bicep. I wanted to claim the smarty, but the brute resembles my above-mentioned grandmother.
Ultimately I found a better choice – a retired schoolteacher who resembles my grandmother somewhat less but is apparently her great-nephew. He’s from a place my parents went in 1952 for a relative’s funeral. They left me with my other grandmother, and all I got was a T-shirt and an Indian headdress.
Meanwhile, I’ve just discovered the Plantagenets lost the throne in 1485! Who knew? Apparently not Uncle Joe. Forget them.
What’s more, I’m missing the tough guy. It’s hard to drop a cousin once you’ve decided you can overlook the bad tattoo.
Maybe I’ll send him a Facebook friend request.
Better just to keep him in the tree.
Hanaba Munn Welch, a correspondent for the Times Record News who divides her time between Abilene and a farm north of Vernon, appears on Mondays. Her columns, as a tribute to the Childress Engine 501, always contain, amazingly, 501 words.
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