Genetic tests are believed to be efficient at pinpointing ailments such as breast and prostate cancer

Apple employees now have the benefit of genetic testing at their on-site clinics as part of a pilot program to help them keep track of their health and, ultimately, prevent against disease.
The tech company has been collaborating for months with Color Genomics, a group that claims to specialise in genetic screenings as a method of identifying the likelihood of a person developing an illness, according to sources who spoke to CNBC.
Genetic tests are believed to be efficient at pinpointing certain ailments such as cancers, which are often linked to a person’s DNA. By taking preventive measures based on the data, employees may be able to increase their chances of staving off illness.
The new employee benefit is expected to be delivered through Apple’s health partner AC Wellness, which operates clinics dedicated to serving employees at the main campus and their dependents.
AC Wellness opened in 2018 in an effort to provide world-class health care to Apple employees and their families, according to its website. The company, however, exists independently of Apple.
For now, genetic screenings will be offered to Silicon Valley-based workers only.
The perk comes at a time when genetic testing is now more widely available to consumers who hope to dig deep into their DNA and learn more about their family medical history and ancestry.
Color Genomics, for one, offers to screen patients for at least 30 cancer genes linked to breast, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate and colon cancers.