SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. (NEWS10) – The Springs, a luxury apartment complex in Saratoga Springs, is tackling un-scooped poop with DNA testing.
Thursday morning, building management emailed residents to let them know they’re adopting the PooPrints program, requiring dog owners to DNA test their pet as a way to identify the dog owners who don’t scoop the poop.
$50 is the fine for not picking up pet waste, but they were having trouble identifying the guilty parties. They’re hoping by having dogs’ DNA on file they’ll be better equipped to find and stop residents who are guilty of not picking up after their pups.
Chad Jones has been a resident at The Springs for three years and says he will likely not renew his lease because of the program, which he belives is an invasion of privacy. Another resident NEWS10 ABC spoke with said the dog poop trash cans are always overflowing.
The program is being paid for by the building management, who said they’re using money from pet/cleaning fees the residents pay to live in the complex.