Registration is now open for an all-day genealogy event celebrating Family History Month on Oct. 18 at the George Memorial Library in Richmond. The event is being organized by the Fort Bend County Library as part of a state-wide Genealogy Lock-In Program featuring a day-long schedule of events focusing on tools and tips for genealogy researchers of all levels. .
The program will open at 10 a.m. with “Technology Enabled Collaborations for Genealogists” to be presented by Tony Hanson, family historian, focusing on three technology tools: The Family Search Family Tree, Ancestry.com’s ThruLines DNA tool, and self-publishing family history using a blog or a website.
Session two begins at 11 a.m. and features a presentation by John Huff, FamilySearch Experience Manager, entitled “Finding Elusive Records on FamilySearch.org”. At noon, Carl Smith, Genealogy Librarian from the Montgomery County Memorial Library System, will present “Genealogy Basics: Getting Started on Your Family Tree” featuring a basic tutorial for beginning researchers.
At 1:40 p.m., Kelvin Meyers, Ancestry ProGenealogists and Researcher, will present “ Probate: More Than a Will” to be followed by “Roll Call: New Sites and Sources for Military Records and Research” at 2:50 p.m. led by Curt B. Witcher, MLS, FUGA, IGSF Manager and the Genealogy Center Senior Manager of Special Collections at the Allen County Public Library. Sara Allen, Librarian from the Genealogy Center of the Allen County Public Library, is scheduled to lead the final session of the day at 4 p.m. entitled. “Introduction to GEDmatch”. Organizers say GEDmatch is a free third-party website that can be uses to compare an individual’s DNA results with people who have taken the autosomal DNA test from all the major testing companies. Seating is limited. Registration is open until October 18 at 5 p.m.
The George Memorial Library is located at 1001 Golfview Drive in Richmond.
The State-wide Genealogy Lock-In Program is sponsored by the Genealogy Center of the Waco-McLennan County Library and the Central Texas Genealogical Society. For more information, contact Dnaiel Sample via email at Daniel.Sample@fortbend.lib.tx.us or visit www.fortbend.lib.tx.us/event/genealogy-lock-family-history-month