Earlier, DNA and genes were only associated with science labs. However, in the 21st century, the concept of DNA has gotten magnified. DNA, combined with new technology, has enhanced the horizon and gone beyond just finding mutual traits between individuals. Today, with the aid of DNA, one can select the most desirable diet and workout plans, get curated health plans, an ideal partner, suitable skincare routine and even their personalised drink.
Diet & workout plans
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FitnessGenes, a UK-based firm, combines genetic and lifestyle information of a person, and provides them information on how particular eating and behavioural habits, and supplements can affect their body.
They combine the genetic profile with lifestyle factors and training goals to give a novel genetic workout plan, workout calendar, workout tracker and mood tracker. Other companies like DNAFit, Nutrigenomix, Orig3n, etc, are also working in the same domain to provide tailored workouts based on genetic testing.
DNA paintings
What if someone told you that you can get a canvas painting of your DNA? The company DNA Portraits offers “the world’s most personalised form of art”.
They collect a specimen of your DNA, then you choose the size, style, colour and frame. And voila, you have your own unique DNA portrait.
Finding your match
US-based dating apps now use genetic traits of individuals to match them with other people. SingldOut and Pheramor are some apps that match dating partners by evaluating 11 ‘attraction genes’.
They even provide services like ‘Instant Chemistry’ that assists couples in improving their romantic and sexual chemistry.
Skincare programmes
Companies like SkinIQ, Skin Genie, SKINSHIFT and NUtrafol provide solutions to skin-related problems like acne, telling you what suits best, with the help of DNA.
Clara, an app developed by SkinIQ, analyses acne by taking pictures and recommends the right products. It also gives a detailed report, describing your acne and the measures that you can take to fight it. SKINSHIFT, too, uses the genetic profile of a person to help them get healthy skin, identifying the skin’s genetic strengths and weaknesses. Using this genetic outline, they create customised skincare programmes.