For anyone seeking help in researching their family history, the genealogy sub-committee of the Armenian Historical Association of Rhode Island (AHARI) has access to files and information not found through the normal genealogy research sources. The committee uses those sources as well as other resources to help individuals with their genealogy research. The committee was formed three years ago to help people with roots or connections to the Rhode Island Armenian community find information on their ancestors. In addition, we have had speakers who provided insights into genealogy research and history such as Marc Arslan, Der Stephan Baljian and Vahe Tachjian, plus translations of Armenian script into English by Hagop and Marie Ghajanian. Plans for this year include a deep dive into DNA, more on family trees, international sources and an introduction to the genetic map of Armenians. The sub-committee meets at the AHARI offices at 245 Waterman St., Providence, RI. We are always willing to help with genealogy inquiries. Contact info@armenianhistorical-ri.org or call (401) 454-5111.