The famous geneticist George Church has said what is involved in creating applications for online Dating, which has the function of comparing the DNA of potential partners. Such analysis, according to him, will reduce the risk of having children with dangerous hereditary diseases, reports TASS.
The public received this news with mixed, accusing the Church and its project in the promotion of eugenics and racism.
The Church actively supports the editing of the human genome. His working group is now working on trying to resurrect the mammoth, on the creation of tools that turn aging back and have to edit the human DNA that will make them immune to HIV.
App for online Dating – another project of this expert. According to him, if the application will identify potential partners dangerous mutations in the genome, it will issue a warning.
And if these mutations in prospective parents match, the probability of congenital diseases in their children will increase on average by 25%. It is expected that the application will not give open access to information about the genome of the users. In addition, the analysis according to the expert, will affect only the mutations associated with the most dangerous diseases.