The “Human Identification: Forensics, Genealogy and Security Applications” report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering.
This report analyzes providers of genealogical analyses, estimates the value of this sector and suggests further projections based on recent trends and development.
HI is also of high importance in the security market, especially in the banking and financial sector, border control applications and more. In these sectors, human identification is done through biometrics.
In general, biometrics is defined as a technology for body measurements and calculations. It refers to metrics related to human characteristics such as fingerprints, palm veins, face recognition, DNA, palm prints, hand geometry, iris recognition, retina, and odor. Behavioral characteristics are related to the pattern of behavior of a person, including typing rhythm, gait, and voice.
This report identifies biometric technologies and platforms used for security purposes and analyzes current market participants.
DNA testing is part of biometric identification and is especially important for the forensics sector. Indeed, people can be identified from traces of their DNA from blood, skin, hair, saliva, and semen by DNA fingerprinting. Similar to fingerprints, an individual’s DNA profile and characteristics are unique. Forensic identification using DNA can be useful in different cases such as determining suspects in violent crimes, solving paternity/maternity, and identifying human remains of victims from mass disasters or missing person cases.
The forensic human identification sector is represented by forensic testing laboratories and companies providing equipment and consumables to perform these tests
Report Includes:
- 28 data tables and 20 additional tables
- An overview of the global market for human identification (HI): forensics, genealogy and security applications
- Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2018, estimates for 2019 and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2024
- Knowledge about of HI related technologies such as PCR, NGS, and rapid DNA testing
- A detailed description of HI applications in various sectors and discussion of current products, companies, new trends and developments
- Coverage of partnerships, collaborations, and acquisitions in HI market space
- Company profiles of leading market participants within the industry, including 23andMe, Ancestry.com, DNA Diagnostics Center Inc., IDEMIA, NMS Labs, Promega Corp., QIAGEN and Verogen
Key Topics Covered:
Chapter 1 Introduction
- Study Goals and Objectives
- Reasons for Doing This Study
- Scope of Report
- Information Sources and Methodology
- Intended Audience
- Analyst’s Credentials
Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights
Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background
- Human Identification and Biometrics
- Fingerprints Approach in Biometrics Application
- Face Recognition Approach in Biometric Applications
- Iris Scanning in Biometrics Application
- Hands and Palms Scanning in Biometrics Application
- Voice Recognition in Biometrics Application
- Keystroke Recognition in Biometrics Application
- Signature Recognition in Biometrics Application
- DNA Analysis in Biometrics Application
- Summary of Biometrics Application
- Human Identification and DNA Testing
- DNA Testing in Genealogy Market
- DNA Testing in the Forensics Market
- Ancient DNA Testing for Human Identification
Chapter 4 Human Identification in Genealogy Applications
- Genealogy Definition and Market Background
- Ancestry.com
- MyHeritage
- 23andMe
- FamilyTreeDNA
- African Ancestry
- Living DNA
- 23Mofang
- Other Companies
- Summary of Genealogy Market
Chapter 5 Human Identification in Security Applications
- Security Market Background for Human Identification
- Cybersecurity, Biometrics and Human Identification
- Mobile Biometrics and Human Identification
- Consumer, Residential Biometrics, Border Control, and Human Identification
- Companies Offering Security Products for Human Identification
- Aware Inc.
- BioCatch
- BIO-key International
- Fingerprint Cards AB
- Green Bit S.p.A/Gemalto
- IDEX Biometrics
- ImageWare Systems
- NEXT Biometrics Group ASA
- Precise Biometrics
- Human Identification Market Summary for Security Applications Sector
Chapter 6 Human Identification in Forensic Applications
- Forensics Market Background and Human Identification
- Arkansas Genomics
- Bode Cellmark Forensics/Bode Technology (Part of LabCorp)
- Eurofins
- Forensic Testing Services
- Genetic Technologies
- Human Identification Technologies
- IntelliGenetics
- MolecularDx
- NMS Labs
- Serological Research Institute
- Signature Science
- Strand Diagnostics
- The University of North Texas Center for Human Identification (UNTCHI)
- Evaluation of the Forensic Sector for Human Identification Testing Services
- Forensic DNA Testing Products and Instruments Providers Sector
- Agilent Technologies
- Analytik Jena AG
- BioChain
- BioRad
- BioVision
- Eppendorf
- Illumina
- Menarini-Silicon Biosystems
- Omega Bio-tek
- Promega
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Verogen
- Evaluation of Human Identification Sector for Forensic Applications: Testing, Related Instrumentation, Reagents
Chapter 7 Additional Applications in Human Identification Market and New Trends
- Paternity Testing and Human Identification Market
- Time and Attendance Tracking by Biometric Approaches in the Human Identification Market
- New Trends and Developments in Human Identification Market
- Microchip as Human Identification Approach
- Skin Microbiome as a Human Identification Approach
- Hair Analysis as Human Identification Approach
Chapter 8 Patent Review for Human Identification Market
Chapter 9 Market Summary
- Genealogy Sector
- Security Sector
- Forensics Sector
- Other Sectors: Paternity Testing and Time and Attendance
Chapter 10 Company Profiles
- 23AndMe
- Ancestry.Com
- Aware
- Dna Diagnostics Center (Ddc)
- Idemia
- Nms Labs
- Promega Corp.
- Qiagen
- Verogen
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/h1n457
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190819005223/en/