Windham Parks and Recreation is looking for people who’ll deck out their cars’ trunks with Halloween decor and goodies for its annual Trunk or Treat Oct. 26. Courtesy photo
Trunk or Treat trunks needed
The Windham Parks & Recreation Department will once again celebrate Halloween with its annual “Trunk or Treat” party from 6-8 p.m. Oct. 26 at Windham Middle School. To help make the event successful, Parks & Rec is looking for individuals, families, businesses and organizations who would like to host a trunk. Just fill your vehicle’s trunk with candy and decorate it in your favorite Halloween theme. Prizes will be awarded to trunks that are fun, creative and spooky. You must register in order to participate at windhamrecreation.com or at the Parks & Recreation office at Town Hall. Registration ends Oct. 20. Call 892-1905 for more details.
Crafters wanted
Friends Church and the Windham Historical Society will hold a combined Christmas Fair from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 8 at the church, 374 Gray Road. The old Quaker meetinghouse will be filled with handcrafted holiday decorations and wonderful gift ideas. The Historical Society’s famous baked goods and candy will also be sold. There will be a raffle for an exquisite handmade quilt and the Historical Society’s Bicentennial calendar will be available for purchase. More crafters are welcome to join in on the festivities and fun. If you would like to rent a table at the fair, call 892-9537 for information.
Learn about genealogy
Join Maine State Library genealogy specialist B.J. Jamieson at the Windham Public Library from 6-7 p.m. Oct. 30 when he discusses DNA and genealogy. Learn what DNA tests to take, what the results mean and how you can use them to connect with your family. This will be a fascinating way to spend an hour and it could put you in touch with family members you’ve yet to meet. Call Ray Marcotte at the Library at 892-1908 to find out more about the talk.
Lions craft fair
The Windham Lions Club is sponsoring a craft fair from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 19 at the North Windham Union Church, 372 Roosevelt Trail. Some crafts you’ll see are knitted, crocheted and sewn items; jewelry; soaps and painted items. Lunch will be served from noon to 1 p.m. and there will be door prizes every hour. In addition, local businesses are participating in raffles, giving you another opportunity to win a prize. All proceeds from the fair will benefit the Lions Club’s area charities. If you have any questions, contact Don Swander at 838-1455.
Solve a spooky mystery
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension Cumberland County is offering a free, fall 4-H Maker series for ages 5-18. Events will take place at various locations throughout the county. The first event in the series will be held at the Windham Public Library from 5-6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 15. Using a cryptograph, participants will solve a Halloween “Spooky Mystery.” For more information or to register, call 781-6099.
Haley Pal can be contacted at [email protected]
Inside New Gloucester: Oct. 11
Chapman faces two challengers for Windham council seat