To celebrate 50 years of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa, CEO Renee Hardman, 58, is looking 25 years ahead.
The program sealed a time capsule that will preserve mementos for the next 25 years at their yearly Big Little Picnic at Legion Park in West Des Moines Sunday afternoon.
Hardman joined the program as a mentor a couple days after finishing her education at Drake University. She was a “big” to the same “little” from age six to her high school graduation. Now that “little” is in her 40s.
“She’s the daughter I never had,” Hardman said. “This organization is a part of my blood. It’s a part of who I am, my DNA. Mentoring youth makes me thrive.”
In the program’s 50 years, mentors have touched the lives of more than 20,000 Iowan youths. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa is a part of a nationwide program whose founding dates back over 100 years.
The capsule will preserve letters from Hardman and the current and past board presidents, today’s paper and a picture of the current staff, among other documents.
Danielle Gehr is a breaking news reporter at the Des Moines Register. She can be reached by email at dgehr@dmreg.com, by phone at 515-284-8367 or on Twitter at @Dani_Gehr.
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