GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT)- A Grand Junction doctor is in the middle of a lawsuit after allegations were made that he used his own sperm to impregnate multiple women.

It all started when one of Cheryl Emmons’s daughters, Maia Emmons-Boring, got an Ancestry.com DNA test done.
A month later, she was contacted through Ancestry.com by Crystal McPheeter, who also submitted her DNA. It was determined that the two of them were half-siblings.
According to a recently filed lawsuit, Emmons-Boring now alleges her biological father is the very doctor who, in the late 1970s, was hired by her mother to help her conceive using artificial insemination.
Instead of using an anonymous sperm donor, as he told Emmons-Boring’s mother he would, the lawsuit maintains the doctor secretly used his own sperm.
The lawsuit, filed Monday Oct. 28, states:
“Instead of using ‘fresh’ sperm from an anonymous donor to inseminate Mrs. Emmons during these procedures, Dr. Jones used his own ‘fresh’ sperm to artificially inseminate Plaintiff Mrs. Emmons.”
The lawsuit maintains Emmons-Boring and her sister have at least five previously unknown half-siblings. The sisters claim they’ve been contacted by as many as 3 more individuals who have been linked to the women through DNA.
“I don’t deny it. I don’t admit it,” Dr. Paul Brennan Jones said while standing in the driveway of his home in Grand Junction.
Asked if he fathered these children, Jones replied, “That’s an impertinent question.”
A genealogy test ordered by the attorney now representing the 11 siblings suggests either Dr. Jones or his brother is their father.
For the record, Dr. Jones’ brother says it’s not him. He says he was not even in Grand Junction at the time.
According to our sister station in Denver, Jones received his license to practice medicine in Colorado on July 11, 1972. He renewed his license this year at the age of 80.