DNA sequencing will provide a healthy and wealthy platform for the clients, DNA sequencing will allow scientists to access the full genetic information.
FREMONT, CA: DNA sequencing has undergone massive expansion in the past years now it has broad applications in a clinical setting. From rare disease to dreadful cancer, DNA sequencing can diagnose all the diseases.
Technologies and informatics have crashed the cost per base of DNA sequencing and analysis. Now it has identified cancer driver gene variants, and has impacted the understanding of path physiology of many illnesses. Genetic diseases like Alzhemier’s, Cystic fibrosis, and many others can easily be detected by the tool of DNA sequencing
Medical institutions in the U.S. are opening clinics to promote more in-depth probe into DNA. Many organizations like Mayo Clinic, the University of California, San Francisco, and the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, a non-profit research institution in Alabama, and many others are getting into the business.
“The Smith Family Clinic was established to diagnose patients who have rare diseases that are often difficult to diagnose without the use of genome sequencing and genetic testing. We also see patients at the clinic who are not necessarily undiagnosed but want to learn more about their potential risk of developing a disease. They can do so through the elective genome program,” says Dr. David Bick, the clinical geneticist at the Smith Family Clinic for Genomic Medicine. “I think there’s just more and more interest from patients and families not only because of 23andMe and the like, but because there’s just this understanding that if you can find out information about your health before you become sick, then really our opportunity as physicians to do something to help you is much greater, he concludes.”
Brigham and Women’s Hospital has revealed Preventive Genomics Clinic first program of its kind. It provides cutting edge genomic information for healthy adults to predict and potentially prevent the onset of disease. It is the first program with price ranging from 250 USD to 2,950 USD that will offer the sequencing to children in addition to adults depending on how many genes are analyzed. Massachusetts General Hospital is planning to unveil the same next month. Human Longevity is offering high-end sequencing to their clients. As part of the program, Mayo Clinic provides elective sequencing at its sites in Minnesota, Arizona, and Florida.
DNA sequencing is beneficial for the following reasons:
To obtain scientific information
The primary purpose is to gather information on medical value for future care. DNA sequencing will inform about the genome variant, which can cause diseases. It can also provide information regarding drug efficacy and drug’s adverse effects. This sequencing can also reveal the heritage background, non-health related trait information, or information with indirect medical impact.
Psychological benefit
Some people are afraid of hereditary diseases, but through this test, an individual can check their genetic condition quickly. DNA sequencing will reduce anxiety.
Single test for the lifetime
Genomic is same throughout the cells and is unique to each individual, so the whole genomic sequence needs to be obtained once in a lifetime.
Prevention on time
Now an individual can take preventive measures to reduce the risk of the diseases. Precautionary steps will minimize disease risk and also provide knowledge to lead a healthy life.
Future generation can access information
The future generation or direct descendants can access the DNA sequence information to gain knowledge regarding any individual’s DNA sequencing.DNA sequence helps clients to check multigenerational genome sequence data and to interpret the data in the family context.
DNA sequencing is not only applied for medical research but also in the field of agriculture and forensic. In forensic DNA sequencing is used to identify the criminals through some proofs like hair, nails, skin, and blood samples. In the agriculture sector, the genome of microorganisms has proved useful for the crops and food plants.
New clinics which are opening for DNA sequencing are expecting to receive a crowd. Different clinics are coming up with different solutions and modern techniques to provide a successful face to this project.