Noah Slepkov: Data analysis the election results – Jewish Journal


BY Shmuel Rosner | Mar 17, 2020 | Rosner’s Domain Podcast

Shmuel Rosner and Noah Slepkov discuss the data behind the election results and what it can teach us about the Israeli public.

Noah is a JPPI Fellow for Science, Technology, and Data. He is the author “Policy Opportunities for Video Games and Interactive Entertainment” and “Crowd Sourced Genealogy and Direct-to-Consumer DNA Testing: Implications for the Jewish People”, both published by JPPI within its Annual Assessment.

Previously he served as Foreign Policy and Strategic Advisor to Member of Knesset Dr. Einat Wilf.

Noah holds an Honors BA in Jewish Studies from York University and an MA in Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution from the Lauder School of Government at the IDC Herzliya. He also studied Economics at the University of Toronto and Political Science at the University of Western Ontario.

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