Amey Vance, Live Well Published 9:54 a.m. MT Nov. 29, 2019
Knowing your family health history is empowering.
While we cannot change our genetic makeup, knowing your family health history can help you reduce your risk of developing disease. Many common disorders such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and certain cancers tend to run in families. If you know what health problems you might be likely to get, you can tailor preventative care and be sure to receive specific screenings to help you live a longer, healthier life.
Knowing what might be in your DNA is helpful. Some good things to know for your family health history are why and how your parents, grandparents, and possibly siblings passed away. Find out if any of them passed away of a serious illness, died before the age of 60, had cancer, or if any of them had a fatal condition.
A great time to gather this information is at family reunions or get-togethers. “Current DNA research has developed so many new ways to fight disease, especially cancer,” said Terence Rhodes, MD, PhD and immuno-oncologist at Intermountain Precision Genomics. “Knowing if you have a strong family history of particular diseases like cancer, you can take the necessary steps to be screened early. The best chance of cure is always early detection.”
New research in DNA has brought new treatments for many genetic illnesses, including certain cancers. Intermountain Precision Genomics is an innovative program that analyzes individual differences in genetics, environments, and lifestyles in order to help medical professionals specifically identify and target the exact illness of each patient.
Intermountain Precision Genomics is on the forefront of using immuno-oncology to treat cancer. Researchers have learned to manipulate the immune system to do what it should do — kill cancer cells. Immunotherapy is transforming the way many cancers are treated.
“Immunotherapy is like a re-balancing act to help the immune system find and kill cancer cells like it is supposed to,” said Rhodes. “Immunotherapy is changing the way we treat certain cancers. These therapies started to make a difference in melanoma, lung cancer, bladder and kidney cancer, and is now being used in many more cancer types.”
Immunotherapies are typically delivered as an infusion therapy intravenously once every two to four weeks. There are fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy because the medication is not killing the cancer. It is helping the immune system destroy the cancer cells. DNA research and sequencing has opened the door for immunotherapy to treat cancer. Knowing exactly what is in your DNA is extremely helpful.
“Some cancers are hereditary,” Rhodes said. “A specific example is Lynch syndrome. This genetic cancer syndrome is associated with a higher risk for developing certain cancers. Patients with this syndrome, respond very successfully to immunotherapy treatment.”
By analyzing an individual’s DNA, Intermountain scientists can look for known disease-causing gene mutations that often indicate a higher risk for certain diseases. As more and more DNA samples are analyzed, medical professionals will better understand the human genome and enhance their ability to prevent diseases such as breast cancer, colon cancer, and heart disease.
Intermountain recently announced a large-scale effort focused on discovering new connections between genetics and human disease.
“The HerediGene: Population Study is a collaboration between Intermountain Healthcare and deCODE, a genetics company in Iceland,” Rhodes said. “Together teams from both organizations intend to analyze DNA from 500,000 participants in Utah and Idaho over the next 5 years. This comprehensive study will enable us to detect disease, or the predisposition for disease, faster and earlier than ever before. Because the best chance of cure is always early detection.”
It should be noted that very few people in this study will get a report on their genetic risks. Intermountain expects to find a DNA change known to be associated with hereditary disease in about 3% of the people who participate in the HerediGene: Population Study.
Study team members will offer additional testing to these few participants to confirm the research results. The results of the confirmation testing may have implications for a participant’s healthcare management.
Participants may choose to share this information with their healthcare provider and family members.
This unique Intermountain study may lead the way in prevention, lowering healthcare costs, and helping people, for generations, live the healthiest lives possible.
For more information on the HerediGene: Population Study, go online to intermountainhealthcare.org/heredigene or call 833-698-1727.
This LiVe Well column represents collaboration between healthcare professionals from the medical staffs of our not-for-profit Intermountain Healthcare hospitals and The Spectrum & Daily News.
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