People are using kits in the mail to discover information about their biological ancestry and connect with (sometimes famous) distant relatives. In some cases, they’re even solving decades-old mysteries about their families.
Other DNA tests are helping people find out genetic information related to their health and fitness — and making huge decisions about their bodies.
These ever-growing genealogy databases are also helping authorities and amateur sleuths solve infamous cold cases. And these databases have recently been used to clear innocent people of crimes.
Politicians have even called for DNA to be used to reconnect kids separated from their families at the border.
But there are also privacy concerns surrounding the use of this consumer technology, as people who’ve never taken any test are finding out that they, too, can be traced and identified based on the actions of distant relatives.
Some are also using genetic information in racist and discriminatory ways.
As BuzzFeed News continues to cover this growing trend, we want to know if you are sitting on our next big story without even realizing it.

So tell us, what’s the craziest thing that’s happened to you, or someone you know, after taking a DNA test? Did you or someone else learn something that has upended your life or exposed the answer to a mystery?
What are you doing with the results of a DNA test you took? Has it changed the way you’re living your life — for the better or the worse?
Or did the results get used in a surprising way you weren’t expecting?
Any responses can be anonymous. Based on the information you share with us, we may reach out to you to learn more for a possible story!
And remember, you can always pass on information to BuzzFeed News through our secure tip line. All the information you need to reach us confidentially is here.