Author Visit with Marcie R. Rendon, 2 p.m., Fargo Public Library, 102 Third St. N., author event with Marcie R. Rendon featuring an author talk and reading on “Girl Gone Missing,” a book signing will follow the event; free.
Sunset on the Bayou Painting Party, 3:30 p.m., Moorhead Masonic Family Center, 1815 11th St. N., show off your artistic side with family and friends, dinner will be provided, proceeds benefit the Jeremiah Project for single mothers in our area; $40 for one person, $35 each for groups of two, $30 each for groups of three or more.
The Concordia Choir Home Concert, 4 p.m., Memorial Auditorium, Concordia College, Moorhead, the Concordia Choir concludes its spring tour with a home concert; free.
Exercise for Seniors, 10:15 a.m., Broadway Station, 1461 Broadway N., Fargo, seniors are invited to enjoy age-appropriate exercises; free.
Pinochle, Cards or Dominoes, 12:45 p.m., Ed Clapp Senior Center, 2801 32nd Ave. S., Fargo, seniors are invited to play cards or dominoes with other seniors; free.
Crafternoons, 3 p.m., Fargo Public Library, 2801 32nd Ave. S., children 12 and younger are invited to get crafty at the Dr. James Carlson Library every Monday afternoon while school is in session, supplies will be provided; free.

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TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) weight loss, 6 p.m., Community Presbyterian Church, 702 Sheyenne St., West Fargo, interested community members are invited to this TOPS weight loss support group; call 701-541-7557 for more information.
Read to a Therapy Pet, 6:30 p.m., Moorhead Public Library, 118 Fifth St. S., Moorhead, children are invited to boost their reading confidence with a 15-minute read-aloud session with a local therapy pet; free.
Beginning Experience Coping with Life Alone, 6:30 p.m., Liberty Lutheran Brethren Church, 1702 32nd Ave. S., Fargo, interested community members are invited to this 10-week, non-denominational support group for separated, divorced or widowed persons; $40.
Arc Games & More, 7 p.m., Murray Hall at Minnesota State University Moorhead, the community is invited to games and more in an environment that fosters friendships and celebrates individual abilities and talents; free.
A Tribute to St. Patrick’s Day, 7 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 650 Second Ave. N., Fargo, the Fargo Moorhead Area Music Club presents a program of the music of Ireland featuring the Dakota Brass Quintet, harpist Helen Hill and the Silver Winds Flute Quartet; free.
Guest Faculty Recital at Concordia, 7:30 p.m., Christiansen Recital Hall, Concordia College, Moorhead, the community is invited to this performance by soprano Linh Kauffman accompanied by Annett Richer on lute; free.
Keep Moving — Exercise, 9:30 a.m., Ed Clapp Senior Center, 2801 32nd Ave. S., Fargo, seniors are invited to this exercise class, also on Thursdays; free.
Pinochle, Cards or Dominoes, 12:45 p.m., Ed Clapp Senior Center, 2801 32nd Ave. S., Fargo, seniors are invited to play cards and dominoes with other seniors; free.
Memory Cafe, 1 p.m., First Lutheran Church, 619 Broadway N., Fargo, people living with early to midstage memory loss and their care partners are invited to learn, laugh, socialize and make new friends at this warm and welcoming support group; free.
Bingo for Seniors, 1:15 p.m., Broadway Station, 1461 Broadway N., Fargo, seniors are invited to a fun afternoon of bingo, also on Friday; prices vary.
Mah Jongg Gamers, 1:30 p.m., West Fargo Public Library, 215 Third St. E., join this experienced group of mahjong gamers for an afternoon of skill, strategy and wily calculation, also on Wednesday; free.
Crafternoons, 3 p.m., Fargo Public Library, 2714 Broadway N., children 12 and younger are invited to get crafty at the Northport library every Tuesday afternoon while school is in session, supplies will be provided; free.
Teen Time at the Carlson Library, 3:30 p.m., Fargo Public Library, 2801 32nd Ave. S., teens and tweens ages 10-18 are invited to the library to work on a weekly activity or project; free.
Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition at Concordia, 4 p.m., Cyrus M. Running Gallery, Concordia College, Moorhead, enjoy this annual juried student exhibition in the Concordia College gallery, exhibition runs through April 1; free.

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Luck of the Irish, 4 p.m., West Fargo Public Library, 215 Third St. E., community members of all ages are invited to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by making a shamrock craft, shamrock hat and enjoy a green snack and drink; free.
Life and Pregnancy After Loss Support Group, 6:30 p.m., Hospice of the Red River Valley, 1701 38th St. S., Fargo, ongoing grief support group focused on pregnancy and life after experiencing the loss of a baby, this support group is opened to anyone who is pregnant or has given birth to a living baby after previously experiencing pregnancy or infant loss; free.
Twisted Stitchers, 6:30 p.m., West Fargo Public Library, 215 Third St. E., bring your own supplies and join this friendly group of experienced knitters to work on your next project; free.
Classy and Trashy Book Club, 7 p.m., Moorhead Public Library, 118 Fifth St. S., interested readers are invited to this book club at the Moorhead Public Library; free.

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Lunch and Learn: Authentic Communication, 11:30 a.m., The Village Family Service Center, 2701 12th Ave. S., Fargo, training event designed to teach leaders effective communication skills; $30.
Just Us Ladies Into Eating Together (JULIET) gathering, 11:30 a.m., Porter Creek Hardwood Grill, 1555 44th St. S., Fargo, retired women are invited to socialize and social network over a good meal; cover the cost of your own meal.
Play Pinochle, 12:30 p.m., Broadway Station, 1461 Broadway N., Fargo, seniors are invited to play pinochle; $1.
Cards for Seniors, 12:45 p.m., Lutheran Church of the Cross, 1402 16th St. E., West Fargo, seniors are invited to play pinochle or whist with other seniors; $1.
The Next Chapter Book Club Afternoon, 1 p.m., West Fargo Public Library, 215 Third St. E., interested readers are invited to this book club for interesting reads, treats and lively discussions; free.
Bridge with Seniors, 1 p.m., Ed Clapp Senior Center, 2801 32nd Ave. S., Fargo, seniors are invited to play cards or dominoes, also on Friday; prices vary.
Mahjong, 1:30 p.m., West Fargo Public Library, 109 Third St. E., join this experienced group of mahjong gamers for an afternoon of skill, strategy and wily calculation, also on Wednesday; free.
Parkinson’s Support Group, 2 p.m., Touchmark at Harwood Groves, 1200 Harwood Drive S., Fargo, the community is invited to this Parkinson’s Support Group, RSVP by calling 701-476-1200; free.
Going Places Book Club for Kids, 4 p.m., Fargo Public Library, 102 Third St. N., kids in grades 3-7 are invited to this book club to take them from fantastic lands and geographical locations through activities, discussions, snacks and more; free.
Classics Book Club, 6:30 p.m., Fargo Public Library, 2714 Broadway N., interested readers are invited to this informal discussion on “the classics”; free.
Genealogy Class: Finding Finnegan — a Genealogical Mystery Hidden in My DNA, 7 p.m., Fargo Public Library, 102 Third St. N., this presentation is designed to demonstrate how to use your DNA results to solve genealogical mysteries; free.
A Month of Swing with Northern Lights Ballroom, 7 p.m., El Zagal Shrine, 1429 Third St. N., Fargo, enjoy this one-hour swing dance lesson followed by social dancing with snacks and refreshments; $5 for Northern Lights Ballroom members, $5 for non-members.
Go Club at Main, 7:30 p.m., Fargo Public Library, 102 Third St. N., all ages and skill levels are invited to the library’s Go Club; free.
“Speculative Architecture,” 9 a.m., North Dakota State University Memorial Union Gallery, 258 Memorial Union, Fargo, the community is invited to this exhibition featuring engaging and experimental multimedia works, runs through April 3; free.

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Baby Rhyme Time, 10 a.m., Fargo Public Library, 2801 32nd Ave. S., babies from birth to 18 months are invited to share songs, finger plays, short books, rhythms, rhymes and play time, also at 6:30; free.
Baby Bounce, 10:15 a.m., Moorhead Public Library, 115 Fifth St. S., infants, preschoolers and their caregivers are invited to enjoy songs, stories, action poems and playtime at the library; free.
Movie: “The Vernon Johns Story: The Road to Freedom,” 1 p.m., West Fargo Public Library, 215 Third St. E., showing of the movie “The Vernon Johns Story: The Road to Freedom” with popcorn provided; free.
Bingo at the Ed Clapp Senior Center, 1:15 p.m., Ed Clapp Senior Center, 2801 32nd Ave. S., Fargo, seniors are invited to an afternoon of bingo; prices vary.
Chess Club at Main, 5:30 p.m., Fargo Public Library, 102 Third St. N., area kids, teens and adults are invited to the library’s chess club; free.
Third Thursday Book Club, 6:30 p.m., West Fargo Public Library, 215 Third St. E., join this active group of voracious readers and deep thinkers; free.
Jazz, 7 p.m., Delta Hotels by Marriott, 1635 42nd St. SW, Fargo, Kathie Brekke and the 42nd Street Jazz Band play fun jazz standards for all ages; free.
Nornes Lectureship in Neuroscience, 7 p.m., Centrum, Knutson Campus Center, Concordia College, Moorhead, the community is invited to this Nornes Lectureship in Neuroscience, featuring Judith Kroll presenting on “Second Language Learning and Cognition”; free.
Lunch and Presentation on Vocation, noon, Trinity Lutheran Church, 210 Seventh St. S., Moorhead, presentation by Paul Dovre, past president of Concordia College, a hot meal will be served; $7.50.
Bingo for Seniors, 1:15 p.m., Broadway Station, 1461 Broadway N., Fargo, seniors are invited to an afternoon of Bingo; prices vary.
“Flanagan’s Wake” presented by FMCT, 7 p.m., Studio 6, 6 Broadway N., Fargo, interactive dinner theater funeral of “Flanagan’s Wake” by FMCT, also on Saturday; $50.
MSUM Wind Ensemble Concert, 7:30 p.m., Hansen Theatre in the Roland Dille Center for the Arts, Minnesota State University Moorhead, performance of the music of Holst, Lauridsen, Maslanka, Sparke and Bernstein by the MSUM Wind Ensemble; $7.
Memory Cafe, 10 a.m., Dakota Medical Foundation, 4141 28th Ave. S., Fargo, individuals living with early to midstage memory loss and their care partners are invited to laugh, learn and develop new and meaningful connections with others in a safe, welcoming environment; free.
Ask a Genealogist, noon, West Fargo Public Library, 109 Third St. E., explore your family’s history with staff genealogist Jackie Marler; free.

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West Fargo Gardening Saturday, 1:30 p.m., West Fargo Public Works Building, 810 12th Ave. NW, the community is invited to this monthly meeting featuring a presentation by author Eric Bergeson on “Successful Gardening on the Northern Prairie”; free.
Moorhead Movie Matinee, 2 p.m., Moorhead Public Library, 118 Fifth St. S., enjoy a family film with popcorn provided; free.
Concordia Flute Day Recital, 4 p.m., Christiansen Recital Hall, Concordia College, Moorhead, Concordia’s Flute Day concludes with a recital; free.
To have an event considered for publication in this calendar, please enter it online at redrivervalleycalendar.com. The deadline for submissions for Sunday editions is Tuesday at noon.