Isabelle Kagan, Reviewed.com Published 10:33 a.m. ET Aug. 9, 2019
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I happen to love the end of summer, not just because fall is my favorite season, but because the end-of-season sales are abundant. It’s a great time to save on the products you’ve been eyeing all year long, and for those of you curious about your genealogy, you may have been holding out for a sale on a DNA test kit.
Luckily, Ancestry is hopping on the bandwagon with their summer sale, which runs from today until August 26. That means you’ll have the opportunity to finally get the most popular DNA test kit at a cool $40 discount. This is just $10 more than the lowest price we’ve ever seen it at, so it’s truly an excellent deal and one we’re pretty excited about.
With a database of over 10 million people worldwide, Ancestry can help you discover a ton of details surrounding your familial history that you’d otherwise never be privy to without extensive family records, and most of us aren’t lucky enough to have those. They draw from over 350 regions as well, meaning you’ll be able to pinpoint your ethnic roots and maybe even find some long lost relatives.
Heard about Ancestry DNA but nervous to try it out yourself? Two of our employees took the test to find out how it works and if it’s worth it. Melissa Rorech, Reviewed.com
Once you send in your kit with your swab of saliva, it only takes a few weeks for you to receive a comprehensive report of your ethnicity estimates, ancestry migration patterns, and more. For example, I got my sister a kit for Christmas last year, and we discovered we had quite a diverse background, including 4% genetic material from the Iberian Peninsula, and 4% from the East Asia territory, in addition to our Jewish ancestry overlapping with people in Lithuania, Latvia, and Belarus. Needless to say, our entire family was marveling at the results for the rest of Christmas vacation.
If you’d like to learn even more about your genetics, you can add on AncestryDNA Traits. This allows you to delve deeper into your DNA and learn how it influences your physical traits and characteristics, as well as see how they crop up in your ethnic groups and in regions around the world. So, for instance, you can find out whether your red hair comes from your Irish or Scandinavian relatives. During this sale, you can tack it on for just $10 more, instead of the normal $20 fee.
As an added bonus with this sale, Ancestry is having a DNA Giveaway where you have a chance to win a trip to where your ancestors lived and connect with your heritage, and maybe even a distant relative! With all these options to further explore your family tree and find out more about what makes you unique, we think it’s a fabulous time to spring for a kit.
The product experts at Reviewed have all your shopping needs covered. Follow Reviewed on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest deals, reviews, and more.
Prices are accurate at the time this article was published, but may change over time.
Read or Share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/reviewedcom/2019/08/09/popular-ancestry-dna-test-kit-back-sale-great-price/1931488001/