Genealogy Information and Research News
Something for everyone at inaugural Far North Heritage Week Northland Age
Researchers report on the largest cohort of patients tested using plasma mcfDNA sequencing for pathogen detection News-Medical.Net
The Download: ID’ing rioters in Brazil, and shooting for the moon MIT Technology Review
“Wednesday’s Child,” by Yiyun Li The New Yorker
Rodent DNA Reveals a Centuries-Old Black-Market Fur Trade Hakai Magazine
Local Digest Jan. 16, 2023 El Dorado News-Times
The loss of epigenetic information accelerates the aging process News-Medical.Net
CLINUVEL Trial Results Show Drug Reduces DNA Damage GlobeNewswire
Synthetic DNA Market Size 2022, share, Industry Growing Rapidly with Recent Demand, Trends, Revenue and EIN News
Joe Manganiello on Discovering He’s Part-Black and Descended From Slaves Rolling Stone